Tara Reid chaperones kiddie party!

Tara Reid came to the Perez Hilton Birthday Bash on Saturday night, but had to leave quickly when her boob-tape began to lose its tack. Her dresses always seem to want to go home before she does. I wonder why?

Emmy Rossum: Time Traveller!

Emmy Rossum (The Phantom of the Opera) is seen here leaving the Perez Birthday Bash at the Viper Room after only staying for about 30 minutes. You would think that someone who has a FLUX CAPACITOR installed in her car would be able to stay a while. After all, if she had somewhere to be, couldn't she just set the controls for a few hours ago? Maybe she's heading for The Day After Tomorrow, or perhaps she wants to go back to 2004, when her career was going places and she didn't have to be in crap like Dragonball Evolution! Good luck Emmy! Let's hope where you're going, you don't need roads!

Kim Kardashian @ Perez Birthday Bash

Again I do not watch much reality tv, so I really don't know anything about this Kim person, but I guess she is famous for being brunette and famous, which is quite an accomplishment in some respects.

Heidi Montag & Spencer Party With Perez!

I really don't know who these people are. I do not watch The Hills, so I have nothing snarky to say about them, but I wish I did, because they seem like they could use a good snarking to bring them down a peg!

Actually, Heidi stopped to sign many, many autographs and pose for photos with fans, and both she and Spencer did nothing particularly evil while I was watching, but who wants to read about that?

Xtina Performs For Perez!

The highlight of the Perez Hilton Birthday Bash was a private performance by Xtina Aguilera, dancers and all! I cannot imagine a better way to celebrate my birthday, but she has yet to confirm my e-vite. Xtina avoided the red carpet, but I did manage to get a shot of her cleaving, oops, I mean leaving around 1AM, long after most of the other guests had departed. You would not believe the size of the bodyguards who did their best to shield Xtina from our lenses!

More coverage of Perez Hilton's 31st Birthday bash to come, including the Jo-Bros! TUNE IN TOMORROW!

Herpes Outbreak Threatens Paris!

Paris Hilton and boyfriend/Valtrex spokesmodel Doug Reinhardt erupted with joy at Perez Hilton's Birthday Bash at the Viper Room last night. Inside they broke out in song singing "Happy Birthday" to Perez with Xtina Aguilera! It's no wonder Paris is leaning so far away from his face!

Perez Hilton and Amanda Bynes: Separated At Birth?

Perez Hilton got more than he bargained for at his Royal Birthday Bash at the Viper Room last night. His doppleganger, Amanda Bynes showed up, looking like the pink and black yin to his black and pink yang. I don't think i was the only one who couldn't tell which was which!

Vivica A. Fox outfoxes the Paparazzi!

I failed to capture a full body shot of the beautiful and talented Vivica A. Fox on her way inside Mr Chow last night, so I waited until after 11 for her to come out. I knew which car was hers, and when it was brought around to the front, we knew she was about to emerge. The doorman set up a rope to keep the paps behind, and everyone aimed their lenses toward the door... I placed myself away from the other photogs, just in case she came out the side door instead. I had missed out on better shots of Miley Cyrus last week because she came out the side door, but this time, I'd be ready. Alas, the people who came out and got into Vivica's SUV were not her. The doorman soon informed us that she has switched cars with her dinner guests and gone out the BACK door! Had I followed her car, I may have witnessed the rendezvous to switch back, but unfortunately, pursuit was not possible.

Another lesson learned.

I'll get you next time Vivica! You will not outFox me again!

Jerry Springer claims Stamford is happy to have him!

Despite rumors Item9 has heard to the contrary, Jerry Springer told me last night that the people of Stamford, Connecticut are happy to welcome his show to their city. Maybe Jerry hasn't heard about the controversy surrounding the move this coming August, to the Rich Forum Theater in Stamford. City officials are happy with the jobs it will create, but local residents aren't so pleased to see his circus side-show rolling into town, and complaints are already coming in. I guess if Stamford is dirty and corrupt enough for Martha Stewart, then it's sleazy enough for Jerry! Jerry is seen here posing with TMZ cameraman/personality Maurice, who was getting more requests from tourists for pictures than any of the actual celebs coming out.

Rich folks are ABOVE THE LAW!

If the Governator wants to solve California's financial crisis, I propose a simple solution: Enforce the cellphone-driving laws in Beverly Hills for ONE DAY. Here's a small sample of one hour's worth of wealthy drivers who flagrantly violate the law. Look Ma, No Hands! This is one of the main reasons why this is not allowed. Idiots who gesture with their hands while talking on a cellphone while driving (as if the other person can see them) leaveing ZERO hands available to steer! I'm not sure if BMWs or any luxury car come with blinkers, as I've never seen them in use! I guess this is why...

This woman obviously has no concern for the safety of her own child, PLUS is teaching the kid a lesson that laws can be disregarded when inconvenient.

This handicapped driver apparently doesn't want to be the only one!

I love the weird looks I got when people saw me taking a photo.

Punky Brewster Out and About

Soleil Moon Frye was spotted in Larchmont Village today, looking just as cute as ever!

Eva Longoria-Parker Stands (and runs) For Hope to help children with cancer!

Eva Longoria participated in the 2nd Annual STAND FOR HOPE 5k Run/Walk this morning to benefit PADRES Contra El Cancer (Parents against cancer). Seen here psyching up for the run with Matt Cedeno, who recently guest starred with Eva on Desperate Housewives. According to Eva, the event raised over $60,000 for the cause!

Randy Jackson, Stevie Wonder & YaYa @ Mr. Chow 03/09/09

I am not generally "very superstitious, " but last night I had a feeling luck was going to find me.

It was a slow night at Mr Chow, and I was feeling pretty burnt out. There is a strange, awkward-party-smoking-area feeling on the sidewalk outside Mr Chow. Being a non-smoker and not particularly a "party-person", I don't blend well into such situations. But sometimes it's interesting to watch.

Drunk, rich, NOT-famous people enjoy interacting with us paps, because it makes them feel glamorous or something, but they usually just end up making asses of themselves in front of our cameras. They often literally fall drunkenly out of their cars just like Jennifer Saunders' Edina in Absolutely Fabulous, and that's BEFORE DINNER! Last night I overheard some diners on a smoke-break, joking with the doorman that a passing panhandler was actually Danny Glover in disguise. How witty they felt, after all, he was BLACK! I never knew that rich people actually laugh at poor people, I thought they might feign a sense of humanity in a public place, but no.

While thinking of how easy it would be to steal the Lamborghini idling driverless in front of me, it occurred to me that valet parking was invented to park cars for and bring cars to people who are simply too drunk to do it themselves. I wonder who would be held responsible if these people get in drunk-driving wrecks after the doorman, the head valet, and the valet-runner all accept their tips while helping the drunk person into the drivers seat.

But the night took a turn for the better. American Idol judge Randy Jackson showed up, dropped of in a Bently, and he was very nice.

Things got interesting when a taxi pulled up and two blind men got out. They may have been a little drunk, but they did NOT fall in case you thought that's where this was going. They hung out on the sidewalk with us and told us their story. One of the men was Scott Duncan (at left), who is attempting to be the first blind sailor to circumnavigate the globe. He's halfway done, and looking for funding to complete the trip. The other man was his "friend" who kept joking that he would play Duncan in the film version, because he would surely perish in the attempt. I guess blind people have a dark sense of humor.

In the photo they are giving a lesson in blindness to YaYa, who is always there hanging with us paps outside Mr Chow after filming segments on Jimmy Kimmel Live. YaYa is such a nice and funny guy, but he always ruins all of the professional paps shots because he always gets a shot with the star, not just of the star, and that spoils the shot for everyone else!

At last someone showed up who made it worth our while to wait. STEVIE WONDER! He didn't have much to say, as he was at least pretending to be on the phone. But who cares? He's Stevie Wonder!

Miley Cyrus causes Paparazzi vs. Doorman vs. Paparazzi FIGHT!

Miley Cyrus and boyfriend, Justin Gaston stopped in for a quick bite at Mr Chow tonight and caused quite a paparazzi fracas! There are some paps who have no ethics whatsoever and make the rest of us look bad. This is the worst I've seen yet! When Miley drove up and got out there were just 3 of us paps outside the restaurant. But within 10 seconds of her arrival, a sudden swarm of photogs popped up from all directions. One of them stepped into the celebrity couple's path, literally pushing another videographer into the restaurant! The doorman stepped in and got into a shoving match with the obnoxious pap, seen here, and then called the cops. Then some paparazzi started attacking each other! Those involved in the fight started attacking others, who had been filming it. It was rather exciting!


Don Rickles: Racist humor still funny!

Don't get me wrong. Don Rickles is a legend and in his era race was the core of a lot of humor, and it's probably hard to teach anyone as old as he is any new tricks. But he was cracking jokes as he left Mr Chow and all of us paps were laughing, then he noticed a group of Japanese businessmen waiting for the valet. So Don squinted his eyes and made a face and started babbling asian-sounding gibberish in their direction. That was a joke?! I guess he must have been dining with Miley Cyrus, who had just left the restaurant, because almost everyone else in the world already knows that racist humor is NOT FUNNY in 2009!

Mallika Sherawat: Bollywood Beauty in Beverly Hills!

The stunningly beautiful Mallika Sherawat has co-starred alongside Jackie Chan in The Myth (2005), but is also a big Bollywood star. She wants to know, Is America ready for her?

Joan Collins and Jackie Collins @ Mr Chow

The Collins sisters were two of many celebrities dining at Mr Chow restaurant in Beverly Hills tonight...

Item9 FAKES Gallery #1

I just want to point out something I have been noticing. I guess I'm stating the obvious here, but in L.A. the more you pay for something, the more you want to show it off. And this seems to go double for breasts! I consider myself a breast man, and I find this practice of "enhancement" to be a comical travesty of sexuality. I find it so unattractive it's repulsive and sad, yet funny.

And it's not just boobs that are artificial in Beverly Hills... it's EVERYTHING.
A close look at Tila Tequilas eyes gives us a peek into her lack of a soul! Color contact lenses are just creepy! She has very pretty eyes, why ruin it with deception?

Look for more of these as I get them.

Mary Carey drops BOMBSHELL! Reality TV is fake!

Adult film/Reality show star, Mary Carey stunned the world last night with her revelation that reality shows are FAKE! Who knew? Mary tells my camera about how reality show editors make them all look worse than they are. But does that mean her sobriety is also fake? Watch and see!


About Item9

HOLLYWOOD, 2009: Dangerous and deadly car chases. Drug-fueled starlets refusing to wear underpants. D-listers begging to be photographed. Beefy bouncers with headsets and no brains. Lap dances in the gutter. Has-beens stealing your kush.

Everyone had a story, and most of them were working on a script based on that story. The landscape had changed, and what had once been a glamorous and dreamy boulevard was now a dark and seedy underground of hanger-ons and fame junkies.

That's where I came in. I could say I did it for the money, but that would make me a liar just like the rest of them. The truth is I was drawn to it. Like an accident on the side of the road. I didn't want to look, but my camera guided me, daring me not to ignore my destiny.

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