The line was too long by the time I arrived at Book Soup last night for the David Lynch, Danger Mouse, & Sparklehorse in-store appearance for their rock-photographic collaboration, DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL. So I decided to try my luck at an event just up the Strip at Mel's Drive-In and was rewarded handsomely for my gamble. There were a lot of hot, young celebrities attending a party "to celebrate the new fall Op advertising campaign and to debut the customized Op bus, created by West Coast Customs." Don't know or care what Op is because I got close enough to count the freckles on the bedazzlingly cuteiful face of Olivia Munn (of G4TV's "Attack Of The Show"), who came out and signed about a million autographs in under a minute, while simultaneously fielding questions and almost never ceasing to smile! Most impressive! I had about a million questions popping into my head but somehow couldn't speak the whole time! [I have the video to prove it, but a lot to edit first, but will post it as soon as I can!] It was fun to witness the clicky behavior among the lower level celebrities that reminded me of a High School Dance. Kellan Lutz (of Twilight: New Moon) was apparently not cool enough to hang with Kim Kardashian, Molly Simms, and Lo Bosworth while they were all waiting at least ten munites for the valet to bring their vehicles. Poor Kellan was roughhousing with his neanderthal posse, who occasionally looked longingly over into the popular click's group. Also seen here are "reality" star Brody Jenner (sporting flip-flops!), actress Meagan Good (Waist Deep, Brick), Romi Dames ("Hannah Montana"), and Khloe Kardashian (...). Khloe was very nice and much prettier in person, posing for photos with fans while waiting a long time for her car. She's so tall that her fans are standing on the curb while she stands in the street to get down to their level, ... and the heels don't help matters!

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