Olivia Munn can make you smile even when she turns you down. After waiting several minutes for many other fans to get their photos and autographs from the heavenly Olivia Munn after her live AOTS broadcast from Comic-Con09, I finally get to the front. First she helps make sure my camera is on and suddenly I can barely remember english! Then Olivia jokingly accuses me of going for "upskirts." I ask her to give a shoutout to Item9, but she refuses, saying she "prefer[s] not to." instead, she gives a shoutout to her own website, oliviamunn.com, and her fan group, OMFG! She could have told me to go F-bomb myself, but not Olivia. When put on the spot, she gracefully handles it with humor instead of venom, which only makes us like her more! Thanks for the soundbite, Olivia!
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