Comic-Con 2009 Coverage: Twilight New Moon Panel! Rob Kristen Ashley Taylor

MUCH more to come...


Anonymous said...

Kristen is looking at you again!!

Anonymous said...

i watched the interview w/ taylor, rob, and kristen, ok leave them alone about there personal life i know that we would all love to see them togather, it non of are business until they make it are business.

Anonymous said...

kristen's hair is awful - she looks like she just rolled out of bed.

Anonymous said...

her hair is for the movie she's filming right now. she plays joan jett.

Anonymous said...

she's looks like she need help! She practically leaning on people for support :(

Anonymous said...

She is looking at him... Again! LMAO.

......And doesn't anybody else think she acts really weird? She acts like she is on something or drunk .... somthing...

Anonymous said...

Kristen does not act like like she's on something or drunk or whatever it is you people imagine. It's just you creating that in your minds and believing your own creations. You people who bash Kristen should have your heads checked.

Fotobot on July 23, 2009 at 9:39 PM said...

I agree that I think she was drunk or stoned.

Anonymous said...

I dont think she was drunk! She just has a hard time with interviews! She has mental blanks during the questions!! I do that when Im nervous too! I say who cares! Her main job is to act! Interviews just come with it!

Anonymous said...

It's not a BASH if she's drunk or stoned. No judgements, just wondering stuff. SOMETHING is going on!

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HOLLYWOOD, 2009: Dangerous and deadly car chases. Drug-fueled starlets refusing to wear underpants. D-listers begging to be photographed. Beefy bouncers with headsets and no brains. Lap dances in the gutter. Has-beens stealing your kush.

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