Olivia Munn at PETA protest of Ringling Bros Circus

Olivia Munn was at the Staples Center on Wednesday, July 14 protesting with PETA against the abuse of animals at Ringling Bros Circus. She handed out literature and approached families attending the circus to attempt to educate them on how the circus animals are treated. The large crowd of several dozen protesters managed to change a few minds and some families decided not to attend after all.

Olivia Munn & Eva Amurri: Double-Double The Beauty Before & After Oscars

Lately Olivia Munn and Eva Amurri have been spending a lot of time together. Shopping by day and prowling for a man by night. On Friday, March 5th, I was lucky enough to catch them outside the new Armani Exchange on Robertson in West Hollywood. I was shooting stills but a videographer was there and he didn't know what to ask the ladies so I inquired about their recent tweets about their criteria for a new man, and where I could apply. Most of our conversation was recorded and posted on X-17:

I also couldn't resist asking Olivia if she remembered my video submissions to her StarWars fan-film contest. Kind of obnoxious, I know, but surprisingly, she did remember them! I just wanted her to know I was a fan and that I do more than just paparazzi work.

I saw the inseparable ladies again last night at the E! Oscar After-Party and both looked absolutely stunning. This time I behaved and made sure they knew my jokes were all in good fun. Olivia assured me she thought my penis jokes were funny, and even posed with one of the tiny OMFG signs that I made for my video. Between Oscar parties, Olivia & Eva even hit up the In-N-Out drive thru together!

Olivia Munn: Ice Cold & Red Hot! Sundance Vs. Miami Photos

I am proud to count myself among the handful of photographers who got shots of Olivia Munn in both Park City, Utah for Sundance, and in Miami Beach, Florida on Saturday, Feb 6th for the Celebrity Beach Bowl! Which look do you prefer? Ms. Munn manages to look fantastic no matter what the setting! After the beach football game she took lots of extra time signing autographs and taking photos with fans, much more than anyone else. The other photographers who didn't even know who Olivia was got impatient and started yelling "Look this way, Ms. STREEP!" She politely asked them to stop being dicks and wait!

Frozen-Concentrated Celebrities At Sundance Part 3 Kristen Stewart Ryan Gosling

The best set I got at Sundance was an exclusive of Kristen Stewart coming out of a private brunch at a Ski Lodge in the hills of Park City. It was a fantastic stroke of luck that I had befriended an autograph collector (not ebayer) who had done his homework and tracked her down. When she refused to give him an autograph on the way in he called me and let me know where to find her! Got the shots standing on the edge of a ski slope! See the whole set at SocialiteLife.celebuzz.com ! Below are Ryan Gosling, Rachel Dratch, Jesse Eisenberg, and Adam Brody.

Frozen-Concentrated Celebrities At Sundance Part 2 Malin Ackerman & Banksy

One of the celebrities I saw around most was Malin Ackerman. At one point a large crowd gathered while she and Katie Holmes were inside getting photos taken. Everyone was pronouncing her name different ways, so I asked her publicist what was the correct pronunciation while she was on a cigarette break. (It's 'MALL-in' as in "Ballin' with Malin") So when Malin finally came out, I had everyone yell "MAAAALLLIN" with the pronunciation right, and it had the desired effect, making Ms. Ackerman smile and laugh for my camera! (Actually my partner got the shot above, but I got the laugh!)

On our first drive around Park City I noticed a Banksy painting on the side of a coffee shop on Main Street of a man videotaping himself plucking a flower. Banksy was in town supporting a documentary about him, and apparently left a few gifts behind. I later found another one on Hebert Street. I heard there were a total of 5 around the city, but one had been painted over immediately because it was on a historic building. The coffee shop had theirs covered in protective plexiglass after someone had smeared something on it.

Frozen-Concentrated Celebrities At Sundance Part 1

Here is just a tiny slice of the dozens of Stars that I caught at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah January 20-30, 2010: Katie Holmes (seen here with Skippy, #1 fan of EVERYONE!), Robert Redford, Orlando Bloom, and David Cross. I had an amazing time out in the freezing cold, snapping celebrities in the snow for up to 15 hours per day. Frozen-Concentrated A-List celebrities everywhere! More to come...

Adam Lambert & Pamela Anderson Ring In New Decade At Gridlock Party

At Midnight under a Blue Moon, Adam Lambert performed live at Gridlock's fourth annual New Year's Eve bash, with Pamela Anderson hosting, counting down to the New Year with her posse of 2 Dog people, Pan, and The Devil. The $150 - $2000 per ticket charity event was held on the Paramount Studios NYC backlot set. That's the Hollywood way. If you can't go to New York to ring in the New Year, bring New York to you! Plus I live just one block away so it was quite surreal to just walk over and feel like I was teleported to NYC (sort of), especially after taking advantage of the open bar.


About Item9

HOLLYWOOD, 2009: Dangerous and deadly car chases. Drug-fueled starlets refusing to wear underpants. D-listers begging to be photographed. Beefy bouncers with headsets and no brains. Lap dances in the gutter. Has-beens stealing your kush.

Everyone had a story, and most of them were working on a script based on that story. The landscape had changed, and what had once been a glamorous and dreamy boulevard was now a dark and seedy underground of hanger-ons and fame junkies.

That's where I came in. I could say I did it for the money, but that would make me a liar just like the rest of them. The truth is I was drawn to it. Like an accident on the side of the road. I didn't want to look, but my camera guided me, daring me not to ignore my destiny.

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