One of the celebrities I saw around most was Malin Ackerman. At one point a large crowd gathered while she and Katie Holmes were inside getting photos taken. Everyone was pronouncing her name different ways, so I asked her publicist what was the correct pronunciation while she was on a cigarette break. (It's 'MALL-in' as in "Ballin' with Malin") So when Malin finally came out, I had everyone yell "MAAAALLLIN" with the pronunciation right, and it had the desired effect, making Ms. Ackerman smile and laugh for my camera! (Actually my partner got the shot above, but I got the laugh!)
On our first drive around Park City I noticed a Banksy painting on the side of a coffee shop on Main Street of a man videotaping himself plucking a flower. Banksy was in town supporting a documentary about him, and apparently left a few gifts behind. I later found another one on Hebert Street. I heard there were a total of 5 around the city, but one had been painted over immediately because it was on a historic building. The coffee shop had theirs covered in protective plexiglass after someone had smeared something on it.

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