Ron Jeremy at The Informers Premiere

I asked Ron Jeremy about his Horror movie One Eyed Monster, coming soon to DVD, but he didn't have much to say. But I think his shirt said enough.

Eleven-Hundred-Forty-Seven and 1/2 Weeks LATER...

Mickey Rourke and Kim Basinger were at the Premiere of The Informers tonight at the Arclight, Hollywood. Hard to believe it's been just 22 years since 9 & 1/2 Weeks first blurred the lines between Hollywood and soft-core porn. At first I thought Kim was starting to look her age but then Mickey showed up and I realized how great Kim looked!

Lindsay Lohan - Near Death? UPDATE

See? I'm not the only one. "bobjenz" on the website pronounces - "how was this 'brilliant'? Way to go from looking 17 to 30." Thanks, bobjenz! I am in total agreement!

Lindsay Lohan - Near Death?

If you haven't seen this by now, well, then, you live under a rock. If you HAVEN'T (or even if you have), then check out poor Linds! Besides the fact that it's drop dead hilarious.....poor Linds looks (and SOUNDS!) like she's about 6 feet under. 10,000 Marlboro miles, no doubt! Isn't the girl, like, 24 years old or something?! Lindsay, my dear, save yourself!!!!

More Miley Cyrus & Vanessa Williams too!

Why yes we do have a few more shots from the Hannah Montana Movie premiere at the El Capitan Theater! You can see Miley's dress better in these shots. Speaking of Miley, I read on imdb news that Miley is looking forward to more mature roles. Good for her! Just one catch! Miley said she will only consider roles that do not conflict with her religious values. Well, that shouldn't disqualify too many really good scripts, right? When asked whose career she'd like to model her own after, she replied, Jodie Foster. I can see why she chose Jodie, as they both came from the Disney Baby Barn, and Jodie is an amazing actress and a really good director as well! But do you really think Miley has seen any of Jodie's films besides Freaky Friday?

Vanessa Williams was also at the premiere. Looking zesty in yellow!

Pam Anderson Hopes 4th Time Is The Charm!

To the dismay of many fewer men than the last time around, Pam Anderson is getting married again to someone else who is definitely not you. Some scuba diver or something named Jamie Padgett, but I think we can all agree that as long as she's not marrying this guy, we're fine with it.

I'm really just recycling this Non-News bit to give me an opportunity to post a few more of the Pam Anderson wardrobe malfunction I caught at the Ivy back in February.

Celebrate Celebrity Breeding With Willow & Jaden Smith!

Save your kid the pain and heartbreak of rejection from Hollywood, as the secret celebrity breeding project is finally succeeding to create a genetic perfect-storm of superbabies to entertain us for decades to come. After generations of mishaps, Brentwood scientists have reported success in creating genetically perfect "actoids". The first prototypes, Willow and Jaden Smith (the New, New Karate Kid), are seen here looking like they already know how much more money they earn than I do.

2 Reasons I Love The Office: Melora Hardin & Mindy Kaling

I am a big fan of both incarnations of The Office, so it was nice to see two of the (American) cast members out looking pretty this week. First I saw Melora Hardin at the Hannah Montana Movie Premiere, pictured here with the twins, and her two daughters.
2 days later Mindy Kaling was at THE 7th Annual COMEDY FOR A CURE event at Boulevard3 in Hollywood, benefiting the Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance. In case you didn't know, Mindy not only plays Kelly, one of the funniest characters on the show, but she is also one of the head writers.

ITEM9 EXCLUSIVE! Max Perlich Says Hello!

I had the great fortune to bump into one of my favorite actors of all time today, MAX PERLICH! (Drugstore Cowboy, Rush, Gummo), and Max was kind enough to give Item9 our first SHOUTOUT! ROLL THE CLIP...

Howard K. Stern Claims Innocence In Death Of Anna Nicole Smith

Howard K. Stern and Dr. Khristine Eroshevich showed up in court this morning to face conspiracy charges in the death of Anna Nicole Smith. Their arraignment was postponed until next month, but attorneys for the accused took the opportunity to proclaim the innocence of their clients.

Chris Brown Walk Of SHAME!

Chris Brown pleaded NOT GUILTY at his arraignment today. But first they made him walk the "perp walk," as in they made him enter the court through the front doors, parading him before the ravenous media! I got shots of him every step of the way, looking sorry and sad, or at least attempting to. Perhaps he is looking to start an acting career when this is over.
Chris' mother was there to support him, and he was flanked by lawyer Mark Geragos and 4 HUGE bodyguards!

He entered his plea and left the court within 15 minutes.

In the back of some of these shots you can see protesters. Were they advocates against domestic abuse? No. They were there protesting the paparazzi!
Chris Brown's walk of shame, and they were protesting against me!

I can see why this group would be against the police leaking photos of victims like Rhianna, but that's not paparazzi! This group seems so strange to me, using their rights of free speech to fight against mine! I do not violate anyone's privacy, and I obey the law. Photographing anyone in a public place is perfectly legal. One of the other photographers there said it perfectly, "celebrity privacy is an oxymoron."

Item9 vs. Larry Flynt!

I had the very good fortune of running into living legend Larry Flynt the other day, and he kindly posed for a photo. Check out the GOLD WHEELCHAIR! Mr. Flynt even allowed me to interview him! I wish I could show the video here, but you can see it at

I asked Mr. Flynt what he considered more important, the Freedom Of Speech, or the Freedom Of Religion. Okay, that was an easy one for him! I also asked him if it was true that he not just once, but twice joined the military (first the Army, then the Navy) when he was still underage, using a phony birth certificate. He answered that the joined the armed forces to "get out of the hills of Kentucky where [he] was starving to death!"

Few people have given more than Mr. Flynt has in the fight for free speech in the USA, so it was an honor to get to speak with him about it, even for just 30 seconds!

FORMER Col. Jim Rhodes Meets With Iron Man For Pity Party

Why was Terence Howard meeting with Robert Downey Jr yesterday at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills? It has been widely reported that Howard's character, Col. Jim Rhodes, was recast amid rumors of a salary dispute and will now be played by Don Cheatle. So what's with the pity party?

SHAZAM! It's IRON MAN himself! Robert Downey Jr!

Think quickly, who is the coolest man alive? Sonny Crocket? Yes, but he's fictional. Captain Marvel? Getting warmer... If you said ROBERT DOWNEY JR. you are correct! Spotted leaving the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills, earlier today, looking like a cross between your first two guesses. Tune in tomorrow to see what other Iron Man co-star was seen exiting the hotel 30 seconds later...

Taylor Swift won't stop staring at me! HUGE GALLERY!

My camera loved Taylor Swift at the Hannah Montana World Premiere yesterday, and she loved it back! To be fair, she did tear herself from my lens for a moment to sign autographs.

Miley and Billy Ray Cyrus at the Hannah Montana Movie Premiere!

Can you spot Miley Cyrus? Here's an un-cropped look at the madhouse of the red carpet at the World Premiere of the Hannah Montana Movie at the El Capitan Theater yesterday. Billy Ray looks very proud of his daughter! Lots more Hannah Montana red carpet coverage to come...

Michael Buble is a class act!

Michael Buble was at Mr Chow last night and when he was leaving I was very impressed with the way he treated us paparazzi. Instead of shunning us or looking annoyed, he talked to us, shook our hands, asked our names and introduced himself as Mike!
Not only that, he recognized the other photog as the first pap he'd ever encountered, which means he had a better memory of the encounter than the pap did!

Ashley Tisdale's Brunette Ambition!

Ashley Tisdale looks much better as a brunette, as most women do, in my opinion. The only women who look good blonde are BLONDE WOMEN. Faking it NEVER WORKS.


About Item9

HOLLYWOOD, 2009: Dangerous and deadly car chases. Drug-fueled starlets refusing to wear underpants. D-listers begging to be photographed. Beefy bouncers with headsets and no brains. Lap dances in the gutter. Has-beens stealing your kush.

Everyone had a story, and most of them were working on a script based on that story. The landscape had changed, and what had once been a glamorous and dreamy boulevard was now a dark and seedy underground of hanger-ons and fame junkies.

That's where I came in. I could say I did it for the money, but that would make me a liar just like the rest of them. The truth is I was drawn to it. Like an accident on the side of the road. I didn't want to look, but my camera guided me, daring me not to ignore my destiny.

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