I had the very good fortune of running into living legend Larry Flynt the other day, and he kindly posed for a photo. Check out the GOLD WHEELCHAIR! Mr. Flynt even allowed me to interview him! I wish I could show the video here, but you can see it at mavrixonline.com
I asked Mr. Flynt what he considered more important, the Freedom Of Speech, or the Freedom Of Religion. Okay, that was an easy one for him! I also asked him if it was true that he not just once, but twice joined the military (first the Army, then the Navy) when he was still underage, using a phony birth certificate. He answered that the joined the armed forces to "get out of the hills of Kentucky where [he] was starving to death!"
Few people have given more than Mr. Flynt has in the fight for free speech in the USA, so it was an honor to get to speak with him about it, even for just 30 seconds!
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