Celebrate Celebrity Breeding With Willow & Jaden Smith!

Save your kid the pain and heartbreak of rejection from Hollywood, as the secret celebrity breeding project is finally succeeding to create a genetic perfect-storm of superbabies to entertain us for decades to come. After generations of mishaps, Brentwood scientists have reported success in creating genetically perfect "actoids". The first prototypes, Willow and Jaden Smith (the New, New Karate Kid), are seen here looking like they already know how much more money they earn than I do.


Laura on April 16, 2009 at 6:44 PM said...

I'm sorry, but they look totally scary to me. I'm a mom myself so I'm pleading - Will and Jada, please just let them be kids and lose the braids and the "too cool for you" shades! Cynicism and posturing of that caliber should be reserved for us grown-ups!

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About Item9

HOLLYWOOD, 2009: Dangerous and deadly car chases. Drug-fueled starlets refusing to wear underpants. D-listers begging to be photographed. Beefy bouncers with headsets and no brains. Lap dances in the gutter. Has-beens stealing your kush.

Everyone had a story, and most of them were working on a script based on that story. The landscape had changed, and what had once been a glamorous and dreamy boulevard was now a dark and seedy underground of hanger-ons and fame junkies.

That's where I came in. I could say I did it for the money, but that would make me a liar just like the rest of them. The truth is I was drawn to it. Like an accident on the side of the road. I didn't want to look, but my camera guided me, daring me not to ignore my destiny.

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