Speidi: Apocalypse Nowish

Yesterday, Heidi Montag Pratt teased us with TwitterVisions of microchips and numbers of the Beast . With dramatic time-is-of-the-essence statements like "Be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell" (is she talking about the NBC studio head who sent them into the jungle recently?) and "Watch out for the mark of the beast!", we at Item9 started to get a little worried. If not for Heidi, but for ourselves, and the fact that her Playboy spread has yet to hit the internets. Would the end of the world come before we got a chance to bare witness to her non-nipple-revealing body?

Today, Heidi and Spencer, both well-known to theologians as "Speidi", took to the old-fashioned radio airwaves, and chatted with right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. Apparently unable to secure two lines, the couple passed the phone to one another in a distorted discussion of politics, religion, gun-and-birth control, 9/11, and just about anything else the host could conjure up without having a clue of who the two of them were.

Spencer (who has been studying Jones' work for "almost a month") spoke reverently of Jones' documentary "The Obama Deception" and compared the Media and the Obama Administration to "The Hills" producers; always narrating from one point of view. He went on to talk about how his dentist dad had warned him about fluoride and its mind-controlling powers, and then to his thoughts on Global Warming: "It's mind-boggling that they're trying to say there's global warming right now, and, you know, that the ice caps are melting, and the polar bears are gonna drown. When we all know: I've seen footage of the polar bears swimming to new pieces of ice."

Again on the subject of microchips Heidi proclaimed: "I will not worship the devil, I will not be conformed to this world.” Spencer set the record straight, saying: "This isn't conspiracy theories. These are factual evidence. It's just stuff that the mainstream media does not present to the public. I went to USC for eight years."

Get More Speidi @ Item9.com!

Wyclef Jean Secret Warriors Meeting @ Ihop In Hollywood

My exclusive video of Wyclef Jean explaining the importance of social activism at the first ever meeting of The Wyclef Warriors, a grassroots campaign to reach out to fans personally and get them organized and ready to be active in their communities. Wyclef organized the meeting through Twitter with help from his California Zone leader, Secretary of State Mari Torres. A small group of fans met at 10am at the Hollywood Ihop for a secret intimate breakfast with Wyclef! Thanks again Wyclef! Warriors unite! Sign up to be a wyclef Warrior at the Clef Zone: http://wyclef.ning.com/ if you want to join the movement and make a positive difference in this world!

UPDATE 7/2/09: Wyclef is switching his website to a new server, so the Ning site is gone. You can sign up to be a Warrior on Twitter. Step 1: Follow @Wyclef Step 2: Reply to a @wyclef tweet, tell him you want to be a warrior and the word FOLLOW. Step 3: When Wyclef starts following you, DM your contact info. Step 4: Wyclef may actually call you! He called me!

BET Awards Photos #1: Wyclef, Beyoncé, Ciara, 2 Uhuras, Kanye, & Alicia Keys

It was absolutely sizzling on the red carpet for the BET Awards 2009 at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles yesterday, and I'm not referring to the soaring temperature in the parking lot! The event was quickly restructured as a Michael Jackson tribute and everyone was there looking their best! Here is my first set of photos, including Beyoncé, Alicia Keys, Ciara, BOTH Uhuras: Zoe Saldana from the new movie, and the original, Nichelle Nichols, Kanye West and his girlfriend, Amber Rose, & of course my new BFF Wyclef Jean! I got to meet Wyclef earlier for breakfast at ihop with a small group of fans, so when he saw me on the carpet he came right over to shake my hand! This really irritated the other photogs I'm sure. After the arrivals, the media was brought inside to watch the show from the (air conditioned!) press room, and they brought some of the winners by to get photos with the awards. Wyclef was being honored with a Humanitarian Award, and when he came to the press room after getting the award, Wyclef again singled me out in the crowd and made me feel pretty special, even telling his producer Jerry Wonder to video me shooting pictures! Clearly, I have entered Bizzarro world and the hunter has become the hunted! Thanks again Wyclef, for letting me share that moment with you!

My Breakfast With Wyclef! Warriors Unite!!

I just had the honor of enjoying breakfast with Wyclef Jean at the 1st ever meeting of the Wyclef Warriors at ihop on Sunset!! Wyclef treated a small group of fans and I was lucky enough to have been invited. Wyclef is starting a social movement using all technology available to connect directly with fans and ultimately to change the world with his network of socially conscious fans! Sign up to follow Wyclef on Twitter! Become a Wyclef Warrior and together we will make a difference in this world! This is not just some fan club, this is for real! Wyclef wants to be able to organize his fans without going through his label or some fake marketing gimmick! The Wyclef Zone (http://wyclef.ning.com/) was streaming live from the breakfast table and Wyclef was shouting out to all those who could not attend!

Ashley Tisdale ROCKS the Grove!!

I wasn't sure what to expect at the free Ashley Tisdale concert this afternoon at The Grove in Los Angeles, except the same awkward feeling that my Dad must have had taking me to ZZ Top in 1986. Out Of Place. Mission accomplished there, but anyway, I have had little exposure to Ashley Tisdale, so I didn't know what the music would be like. The opening band, The V Factory, set the bar nice and low, I can't believe we're back to boy bands already in the pop cycle! (It was particularly uncool of these dudes to ask the fans to please "tag" any photos of the band online.) So, when Ashley's band took the stage and picked up musical instruments, I was skeptical to say the least. I'm no expert, but it sounded to me like Ashley was really singing, and the band was really playing live, so that was more than I was expecting. I'm not going to give my opinion because the music was not intended for my demographic, but at least Ashley was setting herself apart as a performer by actually performing! And when you can flip your hair and point like Ashley can, who needs to dance and sing simultaneously anyway?

If you didn't make it down to the Grove to see the show today, watch my videos of the full show here. See Parts 1 & 2 of her 30 minute set now! MORE TO COME! But enjoy it now, because you never know when YouTube might pull it!

Brüno LA Premiere Blocks Michael Mourners From Correct Star

The Brüno Los Angeles Premiere at the Graumans Chinese Theatre in Hollywood should have been a nice distraction from the awful news of the day. However, the premiere's location just happened to coincide with the REAL Michael Jackson star on the Hollywood Walk-Of-Fame (Some chose to mourn at a different Michael Jackson's star on Vine Blvd.). Undoubtedly, Brüno (Sacha Baron Cohen) worked overtime to cheer the crowd up, arriving in style straddling a Disco-Mirror-Tank, brandishing a gold Chanel Bazooka, backed-up by a Betallion of Babes bearing arms (and legs!) Brüno proclaimed this was the "gayest... most important film starring a gay Austrian since Terminator 2!" But there was a cloud over the festivities, as the group of Michael Jackson fans grew, and grew impatient for the fun to end and the serious mourning to begin. It was strange how one Hollywood tradition, the Glamorous Premiere, was tarnished somewhat by another Hollywood tradition of fans congregating around the star of a recently passed celebrity, and vice versa! Also at the premiere was Sacha's extremely cute-iful wife, Isla Fisher (Confessions of a Shopaholic, Wedding Crashers), producer Jonah Hill (Superbad), Chris Kattan ("SNL"), Ed Helms (The Hangover, "The Office"), and Ken Davitian (Borat)

Pete Wentz Vs. Perez Hilton - A Michael Jackson SMACKDOWN!!!!!

According to Pete Wentz' own twitter feed from about 2 hours ago, THIS was the post that Perez Hilton originally made to his blog after first hearing about Michael Jackson's cardiac arrest. After numerous denials by Perez, Pete and Perez finally seemed to make up in the end. But what do YOU think? Is this post real or a fake??!?!

See more Pete Wentz Item9 photos here!!!


About Item9

HOLLYWOOD, 2009: Dangerous and deadly car chases. Drug-fueled starlets refusing to wear underpants. D-listers begging to be photographed. Beefy bouncers with headsets and no brains. Lap dances in the gutter. Has-beens stealing your kush.

Everyone had a story, and most of them were working on a script based on that story. The landscape had changed, and what had once been a glamorous and dreamy boulevard was now a dark and seedy underground of hanger-ons and fame junkies.

That's where I came in. I could say I did it for the money, but that would make me a liar just like the rest of them. The truth is I was drawn to it. Like an accident on the side of the road. I didn't want to look, but my camera guided me, daring me not to ignore my destiny.

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