Ashley Greene Paparazzi Swarm Distracts DUI Driver Resulting In Crash

Ashley Greene (Twilight, New Moon) was being photographed by myself and 18 other paparazzi while she was exiting Katsuya in Hollywood last night, when suddenly a multi car crash occurred on the street right behind all of us. [You can clearly hear the crash in the video!] Apparently, the allegedly drunk driver was distracted by the camera flashes, but there were conflicting reports from witnesses who say that another person was in the at-fault vehicle and ran from the scene, leaving this woman to take the blame. She made things a lot worse for herself by attempting to drive off, but was stopped by the paparazzi, who surrounded the vehicle. When the police arrived, she was given a sobriety test, handcuffed, and arrested. Ashley Greene escaped unharmed!... Oh and speaking of car wrecks, Mary Carey was also there. I asked her what she thought of Spencer and Heidi Pratt being banned from E! Networks and she told me she loves Speidi and thinks everyone else is "wrong" about them.
OK Mary, whatever you say!

See more photos of Ashley Greene

See more photos of the stars of Twilight and New Moon


Peter on January 24, 2011 at 4:16 AM said...

She is really good looking. I think she has to still learn the rules of driving. The video is really amazing.

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About Item9

HOLLYWOOD, 2009: Dangerous and deadly car chases. Drug-fueled starlets refusing to wear underpants. D-listers begging to be photographed. Beefy bouncers with headsets and no brains. Lap dances in the gutter. Has-beens stealing your kush.

Everyone had a story, and most of them were working on a script based on that story. The landscape had changed, and what had once been a glamorous and dreamy boulevard was now a dark and seedy underground of hanger-ons and fame junkies.

That's where I came in. I could say I did it for the money, but that would make me a liar just like the rest of them. The truth is I was drawn to it. Like an accident on the side of the road. I didn't want to look, but my camera guided me, daring me not to ignore my destiny.

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