It turns out this event was a fashion show for an upcoming "reality" series, called "The Stylist", set to air on MTV this summer. The "documentary series" promises to bring us the "real lives (friendship, love, career) of five junior assistants as they toil for three glamorous, high-end celebrity stylists... on the job... and in their off-hours as they find romance, plot against each other, and try to make it big in a difficult industry, all while living on a meager assistant salary - and all the while looking great!"
Just what the world needs. Yay. I will be sure to tune right on in.
I was glad to see Rick Gonzalez at this event. I like Reaper. Hope that show didn't get lost in the shuffle this past year. Also seen here is actress Sara Paxton (Darcy's Wild Life, The Last House on the Left) and Brooke White (American Idol).
Best Golden Globes Moments Through The Years
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