Gossip Girl Star Keeps Baby Secret From Dad!

Gossip Girl star Kelly Rutherford gave birth to daughter Helena three days ago, without bothering to inform the father and estranged husband Daniel Giersche! According to People magazine, Giersche claims that he heard about the birth second hand through various media outlets, some of which portrayed him in a negative "dead beat dad" light for not being there. He said that Rutherford had previously agreed to inform him immediately either through phone or text that their baby was born, which she of course neglected to do. Says Giersche, “Although this sickens me, I am of course overjoyed that our baby was born healthy. I would’ve wanted nothing more than to hold our newborn daughter for a few moments, and I only seek to coparent both our children responsibly and with love.” Giersche and Rutherford are currently involved in a heated custody battle over their two year old son, Hermes. Note to the wise - never trust anyone who names their child over an overpriced luxury store - what's next, baby Prada?!?


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