U.S. Reporters Laura Ling and Euna Lee Sentenced To 12 Years In N. Korean Labor Camps

CNN is reporting that two U.S. journalists who have been detained in North Korea since March have been "sentenced to 12 years in labor camps." Laura Ling and Euna Lee were convicted of the "grave crime" of illegal border crossing, which supposedly occured while they were reporting near the border on the plight of defectors for former VP Al Gore's news outlet, Current TV. Laura Ling is the sister of CNN correspondent Lisa Ling, seen here at the Step Up Women's Network 2009 Inspiration Awards Luncheon on Friday with her mother, Mary. Lisa made a televised plea for her sister's release this week, urging the U.S. and North Korea, two nations which have no diplomatic ties, to open a dialogue on this issue for humanitarian reasons. The next step is that Al Gore or possibly New Mexico's Governor Bill Richardson will travel to North Korea to attempt to secure their release.


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