R.I.P. Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson's primary star on the Hollywood walk of fame is currently blocked by lots of power cables and safety rugs for tonight's Bruno premiere at Guaumans Chinese Theatre, so don't come here to mourn the Great Gloved One! Go to his other star just north of Sunset Blvd on Vine! A group has already gathered there and it looks like they're preparing some strange ritual to bring him back to life, Thriller style!

FOLLOWUP: Turns out this star is not for the SAME Michael Jackson at all! I always thought he was such a big star he had 2! This one was for a long-time radio personality according to TMZ! Sorry for the misinformation, but at least this was a temporary mourning zone while the Brüno premiere blocked access to the real MJ star!


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Michael Jackson: Exclusive Last Photo

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HOLLYWOOD, 2009: Dangerous and deadly car chases. Drug-fueled starlets refusing to wear underpants. D-listers begging to be photographed. Beefy bouncers with headsets and no brains. Lap dances in the gutter. Has-beens stealing your kush.

Everyone had a story, and most of them were working on a script based on that story. The landscape had changed, and what had once been a glamorous and dreamy boulevard was now a dark and seedy underground of hanger-ons and fame junkies.

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