Yesterday, Heidi Montag Pratt teased us with TwitterVisions of microchips and numbers of the Beast . With dramatic time-is-of-the-essence statements like "Be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell" (is she talking about the NBC studio head who sent them into the jungle recently?) and "Watch out for the mark of the beast!", we at Item9 started to get a little worried. If not for Heidi, but for ourselves, and the fact that her Playboy spread has yet to hit the internets. Would the end of the world come before we got a chance to bare witness to her non-nipple-revealing body?
Today, Heidi and Spencer, both well-known to theologians as "Speidi", took to the old-fashioned radio airwaves, and chatted with right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. Apparently unable to secure two lines, the couple passed the phone to one another in a distorted discussion of politics, religion, gun-and-birth control, 9/11, and just about anything else the host could conjure up without having a clue of who the two of them were.
Spencer (who has been studying Jones' work for "almost a month") spoke reverently of Jones' documentary "The Obama Deception" and compared the Media and the Obama Administration to "The Hills" producers; always narrating from one point of view. He went on to talk about how his dentist dad had warned him about fluoride and its mind-controlling powers, and then to his thoughts on Global Warming: "It's mind-boggling that they're trying to say there's global warming right now, and, you know, that the ice caps are melting, and the polar bears are gonna drown. When we all know: I've seen footage of the polar bears swimming to new pieces of ice."
Again on the subject of microchips Heidi proclaimed: "I will not worship the devil, I will not be conformed to this world.” Spencer set the record straight, saying: "This isn't conspiracy theories. These are factual evidence. It's just stuff that the mainstream media does not present to the public. I went to USC for eight years."
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